Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hardware Wars

Here is the finest spoof ever made of Star Wars.....
Hardware Wars.
Hardware Wars PT 2

It is absolutely horrible, but it is the finest.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

This Guy is Crazy

This story was given to me by Big Blake via email several months ago. I thought I'd share it with you.
This is a case of "photographer photographs photographer." The following
photographs were taken by photographer Hans van de Vorst at the
Canyon, Arizona. The descriptions are his own. The identity of
thephotographer IN the photos is unknown.

I was simply stunned seeing this guy standing on this solitary rock
IN the Grand Canyon.The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on
the right is
next to the canyon and safe.

Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod
I asked myself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right,
which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?
This is the point of no return.

After the sun set behind the canyon's horizon he packed his things
(having only one hand available)
and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes. At
that point he had the full attention of the crowd.

After that, he jumped on his thong sandals... The canyon's depth
is 900 meters here.
Now you can see that the adjacent rock is higher so he tried to
land lower, which is quite steep
and tried to use his one hand to grab the rock.
We've come to the end of this little story. Look carefully at the
photographer. He has a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag,
all on his shoulder or in his left hand. Only his right hand is
available to grab the rock and the weight of his stuff is a problem.
He lands low on this flip flops both his right hand and right foot
slips away... At that moment I take this shot.

He pushes his body against the rock. He waits for a few seconds,
throws his stuff on the rock, climbs and walks away.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sci-Fi Parody

Here is one of the all time great parodies of Sci-Fi movies. I remember it from my high school days and lines from them were a major part of my cousin Whitney's and my vocabulary in the early 80's.
For some reason it is divided into pt one and pt two.
Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind pt1
Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind pt2

Beat Box

Watch this and you will have a new appreciation for BeatBox.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Interesting site for getting audio books for free. They function on donations only. Here is an excerpt from their Donations Page:

This isn't going to be a tear-jerking plea for your cash, and I'm not going to try and convince you that starving authors will continue to go hungry if you don't pass some bucks his or her way. Instead, I'm just going to tell you The Master Plan of how you can make the world a better place.
I'm a child of capitalism, just like many of you. Truth be told, it's supply-side economics, which is a conversation for another time. As good little capitalists, we expect to pay for things, and we expect to get paid for things. Groovy.
We've also become accustomed to artists and creative types getting shafted by The Man. Drop $15 bucks for the latest CD by your favorite artists, you just gave the band a nickle. Which they have to split. Five ways. That beautiful new hardback you just shelled out $24.99 to read? The author saw just under two bucks. Another dinner at Taco Bell™ is in order.
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But if you want to donate, you can. We use PayPal to handle all of our payments, and the bulk of your donation goes to the author, not the site. We started out giving half of the money to the author, and now we're up to 75%. That's before PayPal fees, by the way. We absorb those costs (and many others) on the back end.

Check it out at: